Exclusive travel deals for our friends

As someone with a special connection to the Walk into Luxury team, enjoy access to our insider offers and exclusive travel packages. Check them out below, and be sure to revisit this page regularly for more great offers coming soon.

Be sure to mention this page to unlock these special deals when you book with our team.

- How the Family & Friends program works

How to book a travel deal

Current offers for our Friends are maintained on the deal carousels on this page. Terms and conditions apply. If you'd like more specific details on any offer, or if you're keen to book, please contact our team.

Tip: Offer details may not be visible when you click on a deal box - if it's an exclusive, the deal wont be on the public site. Enquire for details.

What does Walk into Luxury sell?

A lot more than you may think! Though known for luxury lodges and walking tours, we also sell hotel stays, cruises, holiday packages combining accommodation and experiences, rail journeys and private custom itineraries. We sell trips in Australia, New Zealand, South-East Asia with more destinations coming soon, plus we have access to the best luxury hotels & cruises globally. So if you're planning that extra special trip, whether at home or overseas, why not reach out and ask if we can assist.

    Walk into Luxury could not have done more to ensure our experience was everything we dreamed of
    Sue - October 2020

    Frequently asked questions

    Can I share a Friends Travel Program deal with my friend?

    Yes you can. If you think a friend or family member would appreciate the style of travel we offer, by all means share any of our special offers with them.

    What trips can Walk into Luxury book for me?

    Walk into Luxury can book your luxury tour, lodge and hotel stays, walking tours, cruises and even flights in Australia, New Zealand, SE Asia, Europe, Africa, South America and even Antarctica.