
World-Heritage Listed Ningaloo Reef is located on WA’s Coral Coast near Exmouth and Coral Bay. You can fly to Exmouth from Perth in two hours, and you wont be disappointed if you do. The reef meets the desert here, with the gorges of Cape Range National Park bordering the coast and providing a striking contrast between the red rock gorges and turquoise waters of Ningaloo Reef. Activities on offer including snorkelling and diving, hiking the gorges, kayaking, and we highlight recommend a visit to Yardie Creek to spot the rare black-footed rock wallabies hiding in the gorge walls. If you like sailing, a trip with Sail Ningaloo allows you more time to discover the reef’s marine life and more remote corners of this World-Heritage Listed marine park.

Featured image: Sal Salis, Ningaloo Reef

There is nothing more humbling than sharing the ocean with these gentle giants
Adam, about Ningaloo’s whale sharks